Archive | June 2019

Morning Thoughts

It’s a wonder that everyone knows we will be stripped of titles, honor, education, and wealth — by death, and yet, we chase for those things as if eternity has been given us to enjoy them.

One moment we’re PhD, the next we’re “In loving memory”. One moment, we post our achievement, the next moment Jesus comes and we’re surprised we’re not admitted.

We spend tears and toil till we’re spent– to get the degree, or better yet, Latin honors, but we don’t have time to even spend one day a week to give a bible study.

We comfort ourselves with occasional outreach moment, and so called charity, busy in our church experience, and yet when called for long-term, sacrificial labor for souls, we turn our cheeks the other way.

But the touch of garment was a sum of years of faith, and a soul is not won by a casual, momentary service.

Today, achievements are more than ever and yet we exhaust our voices calling for missionaries.

Truly, the harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few. But is the harvest still plenty?

Doors are closing, hearts are becoming hard as rock, opportunities are missing, once ripe souls are rotting, because God’s people are eating trophies.

We see how sin has made man’s heart more insecure than ever, and insecurity hides in the face of achievement.

Men crave for more because deep inside is a man wanting distinction he can never have.

The heart was designed to be satisfied by only one — Jesus, and although cliche, truth be told, nothing in this world will make a heart content.

This is not an appeal.

In this generation, appeals only work today, and are gone tomorrow. Neither is this a rod because in this age, rods translate as don’t judge me.

These are morning thoughts.. only thoughts.. So Lord, help us.